Overview of Company Formation in Bahamas
The island government encourages mostly entrepreneurs who invest in hotel and restaurant business that is easily explained by the terrain specificity. Being a popular global resort, the island has domestic financial flows poorly developed. Maintenance of prestige to be a presentable resort, European level comfort provided to holidaymakers, all these rely on the foreign capital mainly.
Benefits of Company Formation in Bahamas
The business registered and kept in the Bahamas ensure stable, profitable activity for entrepreneurs. The legislative base of islands raises a range of advantages for foreign capital owners:
Minimal terms of company opening, simplicity of registration procedures;
Offshore companies are exempt from reporting and withholding taxes from profits gained outside the country;
No currency control and state duties for the import of raw materials and special equipment for exporting companies;
Privacy protection: information of the company activity is available to the registration owner only.
Term of registering
Applying to the Private Financial Services staff, the client can be sure to rely on quick registration of a company that takes no longer than 7 business days, as well as development of high-income activity with regular improvement of terms to do business.
Company Formation in Bahamas and Registration fees
The Bahamas provides foreign investors with the opportunity to establish companies with share capital of $50,000 not requiring payment information acknowledgment. In cases where the share capital:
Exceeds the amount claimed – a license fee of $1000 shall be required to deposit;
Is less than the amount claimed – a license fee of $350 is required to be deposited.
The management of the new company should include at least one director and one shareholder; nominee representatives may be attracted.
A business opened in the Bahamas is the profitable solution for entities of any specific activity and Private Financial Services will make the decision feasible at ease. We will take care of all details and delicate things of the financial and legal area by providing help in doing competent legitimate business!